A Vampire Bunny vtuber who streams lots of RPG/JRPG games and swears a lot
The Origin of Stella Sanguis
There was once a lonely man.He was, perhaps, only half a man, but to the untrained eye, he was like any other.
Perhaps the only thing strange was his almost ethereal beauty. Pale, almost like snow, with the
most vibrant blue eyes. In that sense, he was strange.
As the sun rose on each new day, that lonely man would steal away to a decrepit church,
hidden away in the forest. To him, the silence was solace, the darkness, his comfort. Most days
were spent in a shadowy corner of that church, a book in hand as he awaited the moonrise, all
alone as his head filled with fantasies of a life that he did not have to spend by himself.
One morning, there was a rustling in the corner where he usually sat. There was a small
rabbit, hidden beneath the foliage that was overgrowing the church. His blue eyes met the
rabbit’s, and he felt his heart begin to warm.
He took the rabbit in his hands, feeling her small body shiver at his cold touch. Most
wildlife he got close to fled from him. But this small rabbit nuzzled into his hands, settling against
his skin without any hesitation or fear. He held her even tighter as he sank down against the
wall, his grip gentle, but firm. And as he sat there, hidden away in the shadows, he spoke to her
in soft murmurs that barely echoed in the empty church.
He told her of his life - of the loneliness and the sorrow that encapsulated his heart. He
spun stories and shared his secrets. After all, he supposed, who would she tell? She was an
animal, unable to repeat his words, no matter how he longed to hear the voice of another.As the days wore on, that longing grew stronger.
“Ah, my love, if only you could speak to me,” he murmured one night as he pressed his
lips between her ears.And as they stared at each other, a new sort of sorrow crept into his heart. She was not
only a mortal being, but a rabbit, a creature that didn’t live very long. One day, someday sooner
than he was prepared for, she would leave him.
He held her just a little bit tighter after that night. Spoke softer, gazed at her longer. She
was his friend, his companion, and losing her would for sure break him. But he was forever, and
her life was only temporary.Each moment was one he would cherish, he promised himself as he fell asleep with the
small creature in his arms.
He awoke to the shouts of angry men, to the light that nearly seared his skin as the door
to the church was flung open. He urged the rabbit to stand from his lap, gently pushing her into
the same foliage he had found her in so long ago. As he stood to his full height, he was quickly
blindsided, a bullet embedding itself into his gut. His blood boiled, pain ripping through him, and
as he fell to his knees, he watched in horror as his small friend yelped for him, rushing from her
hiding spot to aid him.
The men grasped her, squeezing her neck, and she struggled in their hands. His pain
turned to rage, and his eyes flashed a dangerous gold as he lunged.After blood was shed and the church walls were covered in carnage, he took her in his
shaking hands once more. She was heaving, breath not coming easily to her small form. The
pain was coming back, the bullet hole in his side burning through him.It was wrong, he knew it.But as he thought about what a dark place the world would have been without her by his
side, he pushed all the doubts aside. She needed to live
He pressed his fingers, soaked with the blood of both himself and his victims, to her lips.
She looked up at him, confusion in her round eyes. He pressed more firmly, forcing the blood to
touch her tongue. She swallowed, and seized. She convulsed in his hands, and he finally fell to
his knees, apologizing over and over into her fur as she cried.
When she came too, everything was different.Her body felt too cold. She could remember nothing. Her memory was fuzzy, all of it
clouded as she reached for some semblance of familiarity. But as she pushed herself up, there
was a memory of blue eyes, a warm smile, and a name - her name.“Stella,” that person called her.
She had fingers and toes now. No fur, but long hair. She was much taller than she once
had been. But it felt… natural. Like she had always meant to exist in this form.As she gazed upon the blood that had stained the stone church, she felt a twitch in her
body. She couldn’t help herself as she leaned over an unfamiliar corpse of an unfamiliar man,
sinking her fangs - fangs - into his wrist and drinking deeply.
It was frightening, to say the least.When the fear sank into her heart, she stood with a start and fled as fast as she could.
She was unsteady on her legs, but she couldn’t stay. She couldn’t remember much, but she
knew that she had never drank blood before. But it was just delicious, and it had sated her
hunger like nothing else ever had.
But as she reached the door of the church, her foot landed in the sunlight.An explosion of pain shot up her leg. She yelped at the burning sensation, falling
backwards and out of the sun. Tears welled in her eyes. Unable to quite believe what was
happening, she lifted a trembling hand and slowly pushed it into the light.
Her hand started burning, too.Unable to fully comprehend what was happening, the tears fell, unbidden. She curled up
in an empty corner, her sobs the only sound in that same church.
A hundred years passed.Stella began searching for answers as the sun set on that first day.Who was that man, she wondered. She followed that brief memory of blue eyes and a
smile so bright it could’ve burned her alive. As she followed that memory, she set out on a
journey, taking her from place to place.
She avoided drinking blood for the first few days.As hungry as she was, she couldn’t bring herself to do it again. Not if it meant taking a
life. Not a human nor an animal. It just wasn’t in her nature.She would never forget her first kill.
It was a bad human, she knew that for sure. She’d heard someone screaming for help,
and she’d followed those yells. She’d seen that bad man cornering a girl, probably half his size
and trembling under his gaze, his friend right behind her. Stella’s rage filled her.
She’d dug her fangs into his shoulder before she’d even made sense of her own
thoughts. She’d drank him to death, leaving his half bloodless body in the dirt as she advanced
on the other man. That other bad man had thought sacrificing the girl would make her stop. She
ignored him, her fingers twitching.
The blood of the first man she killed obeyed her instinctually. It shot forward, as if it had
been ripped from the corpse, impaling the second man in the chest.And as she stood there, one corpse behind her, another in front of her, something
changed in her heart. Humans were truly capable of evil, she decided. And if she found one who
was in her way, she would take their blood for herself. Animals and innocent humans would be
spared her wrath.
Her hands now stained, she continued her travels, crossing a whole ocean in search of
the man from her memories. Upon reaching a country called “Ireland,” she thought she had
finally found her answers.
A great castle loomed over her. She hadn’t felt small in ages, but this building towered
over her. Yet somehow, for all its grandeur, it was empty. It smelled of him - that familiar scent of
grass after the rain - but he wasn’t there. But she thought, perhaps, if she waited, he would
return one day.She remained there from then onwards, living in his castle, as she listened for news of
him so she could someday see him again.Blue eyes still haunt her dreams